Assessment Process

Assessment Process

A Functional Assessment is a systematic process used to understand the factors that contribute to a child’s behavior, especially problematic or challenging behaviors. It involves gathering information to analyze the reasons behind the child’s behavior and develop effective intervention strategies.

A Board Certified Behavior Analyst BCBA® professional from our team will conduct a functional assessment on your child to better understand the reasons behind their challenging behaviors. Firstly, they will closely observe and gather data on the specific behaviors of concern, identifying when and where they occur, as well as the triggers and consequences associated with these behaviors. Through interviews with you, teachers, and caregivers, they will gain valuable insights into your child’s behavior across different environments. The BCBA® will use tools like behavior checklists and observation logs to systematically collect information. With this data, they will design an individualized intervention plan with strategies that address the root cause of the behaviors and help your child develop more appropriate and effective skills to replace the challenging behaviors. Throughout the process, the BCBA ® will collaborate with you, ensuring that the intervention strategies are consistent and effective across various settings to promote your child’s overall success and well-being.

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